Amazing - My latest mural has actually gone viral!

The Photo Album showing the creation of this new mural from start to finish has gone viral on my facebook Page. Amazing stats in just 48 hours...

  • 390557 People Engaged
  • 3147962 Clicks
  • 3400114 Total Reach
and 11909 new page Likes for my business Page, up from about 700, (and it's taken two years to get that 700!) And it's still climbing! This is a first for me, I've never had my work go viral before, it is just a tinsy winsy little bit exciting and great news for my business. Here's a snapshot of the finished mural done in a very sweet and lucky little two year old girl's bedroom. 


Hmm, think I'm going to turn it into wallpaper - today!

*Update - Done! this castle scene has been made into wallpaper, take a look here if you're curious: Twilight Castle Wallpaper


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